Our Patients
Candy, 13 yr old Shepherd mix
Multiple health issues

Candy had what we call a FIRE personality in TCVM! She was rescued from a life of living in a junkyard. She had a cancerous thyroid that was surgically removed, allergic skin disease, arthritis and a degenerative neurologic condition in the hind legs. She was a happy, happy girl, for 2 years after her diagnosis. She was maintained on acupuncture, herbal medication and food therapy to give her the best life we could give her. Rescues are near and dear to my heart, and this girl gave us living proof that our care matters.
Blitz, 8 yr old Rottweiler
Bone Cancer

Blitz was diagnosed with bone cancer in her front leg in 2016. There are only a couple of options for treatment of bone cancer, and none that can offer a cure, and 95% of patients do not survive more than 6-12 months, even with amputation and chemotherapy. After much research and many consultations with their regular veterinarian, Blitz' owners decided on a conservative traditional approach, aggressive pain management, and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medications. Blitz responded so well! Her life was full and happy, and her family got to spend another 15 months with this amazing girl. Cancer treatment and supportive care provided by this approach gave Blitz the quality of life we want with all of our pets. Thank you, Blitz, for being an awesome patient.
Saboo, 18 mo Rottweiler, paralyzed post spinal surgery

Saboo was born with a defect in his spinal cord that was quickly progressing. He had surgery to remove a cyst, but was completely paralyzed post-operatively. We started acupuncture while Saboo was still in intensive care. While his recovery was a long one, acupuncture did help Boo with pain, and hastened his ability to walk. His neurologist was impressed with how quickly the milestones came. Saboo had acupuncture every 2 days, then once weekly, then less and less. At year after is surgery, he is a completely normal, active pup!
Chaser enjoys long walks on the weekends, but was having some hip pain that really cut his fun short. Chaser is responding well to acupuncture and herbal therapy and is moving more comfortably. We don't want a bad hip to slow this boy down! Go Chaser!

Chaser, 11 yrs, Pyrenees mix
Hip dysplasia, anxiety
Buttercrunch, 11 yr old Aussie
Hip pain and knee injury

Buttercrunch is a sweet active girl who won't let a little arthritis keep her from her activities! She was a bit nervous for her first treatment, but now she loves it! And we love her! Her mom says she is more active and pain free!

Lucy, our beloved Queen bee.
12 yr old Rottweiler
Melanoma, Mast Cell cancer, arthritis, pain
Lucy was almost 13 yrs old. She had been diagnosed with oral melanoma, mast cell cancer and a lung mass. She had arthritis of her elbows, and more recently her hips, and she still had pain, even with traditional medications. Lucy lived a long life filled with love, but her last year became more difficult with her diagnosis of cancer, and the progression of her arthritis. We were able to greatly increase her comfort and quality of life with acupuncture and herbal therapy. We loved you to the moon and back, Lucy girl. You will be missed.

Diesel, 4 yr old Dachshund
Intervertebral Disc Disease
Diesel is a sweet, happy boy with a painful condition that can be common in his breed. With his first episode, he responded very well to the addition of acupuncture to his traditional medications. When Diesel had a second episode, we discussed adding herbal medications to help treat and prevent progression of the disc disease. Acupuncture and TCVM can have a significant impact of neurologic conditions, and we are very hopeful that we can help Diesel and his loving family.